Friday 6 December 2013

Starting a new day with a smile :)

How easy is that to do?

"Sometimes your joy is the source of your smile, but sometimes your smile can be the source of your joy." ~ Thich Nhat Hanh

Smile is an emotion that creates positivity, for you and around you.

I would like to narrate a small incident that happened with me few days back.

I stay 40 KMs away from my workplace, so each morning I take a bus to office. That morning, I got up late and eventually ended up missing the bus.

That meant I had to either wait for another bus, which would arrive after couple of hours or go to office by own car. Both are not good options.

I was very frustrated and started blaming myself for being lazy that day. Eventually I decided to go by the later bus and was waiting for it. As there was some time left for the next bus to arrive  I went to have breakfast in a near by restaurant.
The waiter who served me wore a warm and friendly smile on his face. At first sight at that smile of his, I was actually felt better and stopped blaming myself. I just forgave myself and was back to my normal happy mood, as I have each morning.

I did not realize this, until I came to know that the later bus is running late as it had a flat Tyre.

Then sitting quietly in waiting area, I rewound everything that happened since morning and realized that it was the smile of that waiter which lifted my mood. And when I was stuck again with the news of bus running late, I got into the same frustrated state again. Fortunately I found a friend who was waiting for the same bus. He had a fantastic weekend and started telling me about his adventures and fun he had over the weekend. This again lightened my mood, and suddenly we were smiling and laughing again.

This is one of the most simplest and the smallest bit you can do for yourself. This tiny act each morning will change everything for you. I suggest you should try it.

Well, you dont need to wait for someone to smile at you and then start feeling good. You can do that for yourself, just watch yourself in the mirror each morning and smile.

This is the most precious gift you can give to yourself.

The significance of smiling each morning looking in mirror is great. It actually send signals to your subconscious mind that you need to feel happy.

Yeah it is true that it is not always easy to smile, but you can always give it a try. May be it wont be that effective in the beginning. But over a period of time you will start feeling the difference.

So don't wait for anything at all. Start it now, right away, smile when you are reading this.

Thursday 21 November 2013

What we work for?

Traffic is indeed a big problem in India, especially in the developed cities.

Once I was returning home from office and noticing the people on the road. On a jam packed road, where vehicles were moving 1 inch in 1 minute, people were in mad rush. Though they did not have a space to move their vehicle, none of them really seemed calm and awaiting his turn to move ahead. Most of them were blowing horns, flashing lights, even after knowing that there was no space for the vehicle in front to move.

Don't we do the same in our lives?

Well, I feel we need to slow down a bit. We all are always in a mad rush and for the working class of India it ends when the person is not able to work anymore. With each passing day the hunger for money, growth is increasing. And I don't feel there is anything wrong in expecting more and working hard to get the success one has always dreamed for.

But in all this are we forgetting what we live for?

Isn't it true that we are not able to give time to those for whom we work so hard. Money is means to get happiness, money itself is nothing if you can not use it to make you and your loved ones happy.

What is the solution? I don't know. Or may be I do, but not implementing it.

I feel I should give more time to my parents, my wife. And when I gave a deep thought I realized it is possible without disturbing my routine work.

I realized that I need to take my work more seriously and not myself.

It was the heavy traffic that day which inspired me to think of the ways to make my life better. It helped me to understand that there is a problem and it can be solved. Most of us do not even realize that there is a problem when you don't give time to your loved ones. And you may realize this once the time is gone, when our parents are not with us anymore, the kids are grown up or the partner has left us forever.

Can you come out of this rat race? It definitely needs courage, you need to leave the comfort zone of the routine.

Changing the habits either for good or bad, is always difficult.

I feel these 3 simple things can make a significant difference in one's life, you can enjoy the fruits for which you work so hard.

1. Get lost - 

By this I mean, take a day off from work each month. And just do what you want to do whole day. Plan this day in advance and let you family members know that you have taken this day off only for yourself and you will not do anything at all and to leave you alone.

Guess what should you do? Just nothing, lie down, eat, sleep, do anything you wish. This one day break will help you get rejuvenated. You will actually feel the difference when you will resume work after the break.

2. Plan a dream holiday - 

Plan a holiday that you have always dreamed of. This does not mean that you need to think of what you can afford and stuff. It simply means you need to plan the holiday of your dream. Do not think of how you will manage the expenses, time, etc. Just jot down each and every detail which you would like to do on this holiday. Do not plan a date for this holiday, just make yourself mentally prepared for this trip.

Make sure you remind yourself of this holiday each day, as many times as possible. And add to the details or change the plans as you think more about it. You will be amazed to see how it actually materializes  I do believe in the law of attraction. The more you desire and dream of it, the more closer it will get to you.

3. Smile - 

Smile is a gift. Gift it to yourself, each morning. Look into mirror each morning and smile at yourself. For no reason saying and thinking nothing at all. Just smile and the day ahead will be much better than you expected. Smile convinces your mind that you need to feel happy.

As it is rightly said 'smile is a curve that gets everything straight'.

Please note: These are my person views and may or may not be effective for all.

Friday 11 October 2013

Dear Readers,

I have started writing a story, please read and let me know your feedback.

I have posted a part of the story here.

Please give your valuable feedback and you can also suggest a nice title.

Waiting to hear from you :).

Here it begins.....

My day rises with usual ‘Good morning sir’ with a broad smile from Sam and hot coffee. ‘I love this life and thank you for giving me this wonderful experience, I love you god’, my daily good morning sentence to god, which I always meant whenever I said it.

I have a wonderful life and everything is as I wanted it few years back. But I certainly am not someone born with a silver spoon. I was born in a very poor family; my father was able to get meal for us once in a day with great difficulty. My mother used to work hard, very hard to keep everything intact. She had hope for a better tomorrow. Due to my parents hard work I was able to complete my schooling. I was born and brought up in rural area of Maharashtra, and in a completely backward society. It was all darkness of illiteracy, lack of education. It was filth, dirt and ugliness that I saw all around me. Our house was the only exception, where in spite of poverty there was hope to earn better living. It never comes easily and my parents were very patient and always believed that I will do well, too well and earn lot of money and respect in society. My father used to p lough fields for others to earn living.

All parents wish their son/ daughter should be a very successful person. But my parents not only wished, but they taught me since I was one year old, that I am not an ordinary child. And if something held me back, I have to fight and keep fighting till I do not win. And that was the best lesson imbibed in me since my early childhood.

That’s the quality I still have and that’s the quality that made me what I am today. My name is Mr. Shamsundar Chandrakant Jadhav. Not a very appealing name, I know, and I don’t care. I am proud of what I am and love everything that I have achieved and got from any and everywhere. Life is always serious, but it is you who will determine the degree of seriousness (completely or partially is again your choice).