Monday 14 April 2014

Reflection of thoughts - life

I recently read the book authored by Dr Joseph Murphy - 'The Power of Your Subconscious Mind'. It has a mention of the law of attraction (though he has not used this term in his book). What you think in your mind and visualize, eventually turns into a reality. I was shocked to discover that this has happened with me quite a few times. It took spending some quiet moments recalling what all had happened in my life, the fears I felt when I was going through that period, the aspirations, excitement, and optimism I had for future. Your well being is something you can achieve if you understand this law, believe in it and practice it regularly. Asking someone to think positive thoughts is easier said than done, because controlling the thoughts is one of most difficult tasks. The experts on human psychology preach this, so these techniques must be powerful. Telling someone to think positive thoughts is easy, but is it really that simple to follow? The fear psychology plays a big role, if you are asked to think positive thoughts about yourself, you will find it most difficult. Law of attraction states, you need to think about something, visualize it and eventually it will turn into a reality for you.

'The Secret' is another series of books that actually speaks about the same concept. The positive thoughts about life or even negative for that matter, gives signals to your subconscious mind and the subconscious mind starts working towards turning those into a reality. This may seem very philosophical, but if you ask me, the power of positive thinking is immense. I intentionally try to think positive thoughts whenever I can. This is very difficult at the beginning, but eventually one gets used to it and the good positive thoughts starts flowing naturally. The Secret is a book one should read to get a better insight on this subject. The Power of your subconscious mind is another book recommendation on this subject. Everyone wants to believe that they always think of their well being, but actually we imagine a lot of bad or scary things about self and our loved ones, that's what fear psychology does to us.

I have been imagining and thinking lot of good and bad things since I can recall. I have faced many hardships and heartbreaking situations and have also encountered pleasant surprises, dreams coming true. So it has always been a mixed bag for me. Based on the pattern of thinking I had cultivated in my mind knowingly or unknowingly. I can give quite a few examples of positive thinking, which has caused distantly impossible dreams turn into reality.

Have you ever seen someone who is always lucky, get everything he/ she desires and is best in most of things. I have seen such happy go lucky people, especially those who are most ordinary. For instance, if you imagine a son/ daughter of a well established actor or an industrialist, he/ she automatically gets access to better opportunities without much struggle. And then most of them do just fine or sometimes even better than his/ her parents. Someone who is not born in such family and do have talent to grow to such level feels that he/ she is unlucky. That may be true and in most cases it is true. For a star kid to be a star is comparatively easy because he/ she knows how and what needs to be done to get there. Along with his family backing, he gets to know the right ways since childhood, so he/ she actually is molded to be a star since then. If given a deep thought, they are conditioned to think that they will earn the same kind of success as his/ her parents did. So that's what turns out to be true.

How many of today's not so successful parents imagine this kind of success for their children. Or condition them to think that they will grow way above where they today are? Not may, isn't it?

I sometimes feel, what if I get to live my childhood again? I can literally imagine all those small moments when I was not able to achieve what I wanted to. There were lot of small things which actually means nothing now, but that time those were immensely important. Have you ever tried to recall all the past memories and think what you could have done differently to turn the situation to get the desired success. My success mantra is to accept what I have and become a better version of myself every single day. And the power of positive thinking is unbelievable, in long run it does surprise us.

After reading Dr Murphy's words, I have started thinking a bit different now. I feel the past that I have lived has always given me something. When I think of something really disastrous that happened to me and what is it that I have gained out of it? The answer is experience.

You can give it a try - imagine, visualize and repeat the words to yourself that you want to happen to you in future. But for this first you need to have faith that it will turn out to be true. One can not achieve success if he/ she is doubtful of the outcome. And mind you, it is never instant. Patience is the key, before sleeping and once you get up from night's sleep one shall visualize and repeat certain affirmative sentences to self which can guide the subconscious mind to get what you desire.

Try this, I am trying it as well. I will share my experience once it materializes. You can do that too.